C++ Benchmark Library

Sort algorithms benchmark

// Created by Ivan Shynkarenka on 18.07.2015
#include <algorithm>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
const int slow_size = 10000;
const int fast_size = 1000000;
class SortFixture : public virtual CppBenchmark::Fixture
std::vector<int> items;
void Initialize(CppBenchmark::Context& context) override
void Cleanup(CppBenchmark::Context& context) override
class SelectionSort : public CppBenchmark::Benchmark, public SortFixture
void Run(CppBenchmark::Context& context) override
// Generate items to sort
std::generate(items.begin(), items.end(), rand);
// Sort items
for (size_t i = 0; i < items.size(); ++i)
// Set the current item as minimal
size_t min = i;
// Found in rest items another minimal
for (size_t j = i + 1; j < items.size(); ++j)
if (items[j] < items[min])
min = j;
// Swap the current item with minimal
std::swap(items[i], items[min]);
class BubbleSort : public CppBenchmark::Benchmark, public SortFixture
void Run(CppBenchmark::Context& context) override
// Generate items to sort
std::generate(items.begin(), items.end(), rand);
// Iterate through all items to get the current bound
for (size_t i = 0; i < items.size(); ++i)
// Calculate the current bound
size_t bound = items.size() - i;
// Starting from the current items and for all next items before the bound...
for (size_t j = 1; j < bound; ++j)
// Swap items to bubble up minimal one to the end
if (items[j] < items[j - 1])
std::swap(items[j], items[j - 1]);
class ShakerSort : public CppBenchmark::Benchmark, public SortFixture
void Run(CppBenchmark::Context& context) override
// Generate items to sort
std::generate(items.begin(), items.end(), rand);
// Start values of left and right bound
size_t left = 1;
size_t right = items.size();
// While left and right bound not met...
while (left < right)
// Bubble down minimal item to the left bound
for (size_t i = right; i > left; --i)
if (items[i - 1] < items[i - 1 - 1])
std::swap(items[i - 1], items[i - 1 - 1]);
// Increment left bound
// Bubble up maximal item to the right bound
for (size_t i = left; i < right; ++i)
if (items[i + 1 - 1] < items[i - 1])
std::swap(items[i + 1 - 1], items[i - 1]);
// Decrement right bound
class GnomeSort : public CppBenchmark::Benchmark, public SortFixture
void Run(CppBenchmark::Context& context) override
// Generate items to sort
std::generate(items.begin(), items.end(), rand);
// Current index
size_t i = 1;
// Jump index
size_t j = 2;
// For each item...
while (i < items.size())
// If the current item is less then previous...
if (items[i] < items[i - 1])
// Swap items
std::swap(items[i], items[i - 1]);
// Decrease the current item
// If we get the left bound then jump the next unsorted item
if (i == 0)
i = j;
// In other case jump to the next unsorted item
i = j;
class InsertSort : public CppBenchmark::Benchmark, public SortFixture
void Run(CppBenchmark::Context& context) override
// Generate items to sort
std::generate(items.begin(), items.end(), rand);
// Sort items
for (size_t i = 1; i < items.size(); ++i)
// Take the next item
for (size_t j = i + 1; j > 1; --j)
// Check the current item with the previous one
if (items[j - 1] < items[j - 1 - 1])
std::swap(items[j - 1], items[j - 1 - 1]);
class ShellSort : public CppBenchmark::Benchmark, public SortFixture
void Run(CppBenchmark::Context& context) override
// Generate items to sort
std::generate(items.begin(), items.end(), rand);
// Calculate initial distance
size_t d = 1;
while (d < items.size())
d = 3 * d + 1;
// While distance is valid
while (d > 0)
// Perform insert sort with the given distance
ShellSortInternal(items, d);
// Decrease distance
d /= 3;
void ShellSortInternal(std::vector<int>& subitems, size_t d) const
for (size_t i = d; i < subitems.size(); ++i)
// Take the next item
for (size_t j = i + 1; j >= d + 1; j -= d)
// Check the current item with the previous one
if (subitems[j - 1] < subitems[j - d - 1])
std::swap(subitems[j - 1], subitems[j - d - 1]);
class MergeSort : public CppBenchmark::Benchmark, public SortFixture
void Run(CppBenchmark::Context& context) override
// Generate items to sort
std::generate(items.begin(), items.end(), rand);
// Use temporary array
std::vector<int> temp(items.size());
// Start from the chunk size 1
size_t chunk = 1;
// While chunk size less than count of items
while (chunk < items.size())
// Perform merge operation for the current chunks
for (size_t i = 0; i < items.size(); i += 2 * chunk)
MergeSortInternal(temp.data() + i, items.data() + i, i, items.size(), chunk);
// Increase chunk size
chunk *= 2;
// Swap arrays
std::swap(temp, items);
static void MergeSortInternal(int* dst, int* src, size_t index, size_t size, size_t chunk)
size_t index1 = 0;
size_t index2 = 0;
while ((index1 < chunk) || (index2 < chunk))
// Check bounds of left chunk
if ((index + index1 >= size))
index1 = chunk;
// Check bounds of right chunk
if (index + chunk + index2 >= size)
index2 = chunk;
// Check if we use right or left chunk for merge
if ((index2 < chunk) && ((index1 == chunk) || (src[chunk + index2] < src[index1])))
// Use right chunk
*dst++ = src[chunk + index2];
else if (index1 < chunk)
// Use left chunk
*dst++ = src[index1];
class QuickSort : public CppBenchmark::Benchmark, public SortFixture
void Run(CppBenchmark::Context& context) override
// Generate items to sort
std::generate(items.begin(), items.end(), rand);
// Sort items
if (items.size() > 0)
QuickSortInternal(items, 1, items.size());
static void QuickSortInternal(std::vector<int>& subitems, size_t left, size_t right)
// Choose the pivot item
int pivot = subitems[left + ((right - left) / 2) - 1];
size_t l = left;
size_t r = right;
while (l <= r)
// Move left if item is less than pivot
while ((l < right) && (subitems[l - 1] < pivot))
// Move right if item is less than pivot
while ((r > left) && (subitems[r - 1] > pivot))
if (l <= r)
// Swap left and right items
std::swap(subitems[l - 1], subitems[r - 1]);
// Move left and right indexes
// Perform quick sort operation for the left sub items
if (left < r)
QuickSortInternal(subitems, left, r);
// Perform quick sort operation for the right sub items
if (l < right)
QuickSortInternal(subitems, l, right);
class QuickSort3 : public CppBenchmark::Benchmark, public SortFixture
void Run(CppBenchmark::Context& context) override
// Generate items to sort
std::generate(items.begin(), items.end(), rand);
// Sort items
if (items.size() > 0)
QuickSort3Internal(items, 1, items.size());
static void QuickSort3Internal(std::vector<int>& subitems, size_t left, size_t right)
// Choose the pivot item
int pivot = subitems[left + ((right - left) / 2) - 1];
size_t bl = left;
size_t br = right;
size_t l = left;
size_t r = right;
while (l <= r)
// Move left if item is less than pivot
while ((l < right) && (subitems[l - 1] < pivot))
// Move right if item is less than pivot
while ((r > left) && (subitems[r - 1] > pivot))
if (l <= r)
// Swap left and right items
std::swap(subitems[l - 1], subitems[r - 1]);
// Move equals to the left
if (subitems[l - 1] == pivot)
std::swap(subitems[bl - 1], subitems[l - 1]);
// Move equals to the right
if (subitems[r - 1] == pivot)
std::swap(subitems[br - 1], subitems[r - 1]);
// Move left and right indexes
// Swap left equals with the lower items
for (size_t k = left; (k < bl) && (r > left); ++k, --r)
std::swap(subitems[k - 1], subitems[r - 1]);
// Swap right equals with the upper items
for (size_t k = right; (k > br) && (l < right); --k, ++l)
std::swap(subitems[k - 1], subitems[l - 1]);
// Perform quick sort operation for the left sub items
if (left < r)
QuickSort3Internal(subitems, left, r);
// Perform quick sort operation for the right sub items
if (l < right)
QuickSort3Internal(subitems, l, right);
class RadixSort : public CppBenchmark::Benchmark, public SortFixture
void Run(CppBenchmark::Context& context) override
// Generate items to sort
std::generate(items.begin(), items.end(), rand);
// Cache radix queue for all digits
std::queue<int> radix_queue[10];
// Initial radix base
size_t n = 1;
bool found;
// Reset found flag
found = false;
// Try to put all items into the radix queue
for (size_t i = 0; i < items.size(); ++i)
// Get the base item value
size_t base = items[i] / n;
// Update found flag
found |= base > 0;
// Get the item index in the radix queue
size_t index = base % 10;
// Add the item into the radix queue
// Back items from the radix list
if (found)
size_t index = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(radix_queue) / sizeof(radix_queue[0]); ++i)
// Get all items from the corresponding radix queue
while (!radix_queue[i].empty())
items[index++] = radix_queue[i].front();
// Increase the current radix base
n *= 10;
} while (found);
class StdSort : public CppBenchmark::Benchmark, public SortFixture
void Run(CppBenchmark::Context& context) override
// Generate items to sort
std::generate(items.begin(), items.end(), rand);
// Sort items
std::sort(items.begin(), items.end());
BENCHMARK_CLASS(SelectionSort, "SelectionSort", Settings().Param(slow_size))
BENCHMARK_CLASS(BubbleSort, "BubbleSort", Settings().Param(slow_size))
BENCHMARK_CLASS(ShakerSort, "ShakerSort", Settings().Param(slow_size))
BENCHMARK_CLASS(GnomeSort, "GnomeSort", Settings().Param(slow_size))
BENCHMARK_CLASS(InsertSort, "InsertSort", Settings().Param(slow_size))
BENCHMARK_CLASS(ShellSort, "ShellSort", Settings().Param(slow_size))
BENCHMARK_CLASS(MergeSort, "MergeSort", Settings().Param(fast_size))
BENCHMARK_CLASS(QuickSort, "QuickSort", Settings().Param(fast_size))
BENCHMARK_CLASS(QuickSort3, "QuickSort3", Settings().Param(fast_size))
BENCHMARK_CLASS(RadixSort, "RadixSort", Settings().Param(fast_size))
BENCHMARK_CLASS(StdSort, "std::sort", Settings().Param(fast_size))
Benchmark class.
Definition: benchmark.h:22
Benchmark(const std::string &name, Types... settings)
Default class constructor.
Definition: benchmark.h:33
virtual void Run(Context &context)=0
Benchmark run method.
Benchmark running context.
Definition: context.h:27
int x() const noexcept
Benchmark first parameter. Valid only if not negative!
Definition: context.h:41
PhaseMetrics & metrics() noexcept
Benchmark mutable metrics.
Definition: context.h:53
Benchmark fixture.
Definition: fixture.h:21
virtual void Initialize(Context &context)
Initialize benchmark.
Definition: fixture.h:38
virtual void Cleanup(Context &context)
Cleanup benchmark.
Definition: fixture.h:45
void AddItems(int64_t items) noexcept
Register processed items in the current phase.
CppBenchmark definitions.
#define BENCHMARK_CLASS(type,...)
Benchmark class register macro.
Definition: cppbenchmark.h:258
Benchmark main entry point macro.
Definition: cppbenchmark.h:46